コイズミファニテック(株)のGently Sleep シリーズの電動ベッドとオプションのBluetoothコントロールボックスの組み合わせでご使用いただく場合に、Androidもしくはi-OS搭載のデ
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B-remote 2M
コイズミファニテック(株)のGently Sleep シリーズの電動ベッドとオプションのBluetoothコントロールボックスの組み合わせでご使用いただく場合に、Androidもしくはi-OS搭載のデ
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This bluetooth 4.0 application helps you connect to the bluetooth control box from OKIN-REFINED, you
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This remote application allows you to operate your bed from your phone connected to bluetooth. the a
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This APP is used to control the sofa actuator in and out, through the signal connection with control
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This Remote Application allows you to operate your bed from your smartphone when connected to blueto
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This bluetooth 4.0 application helps you connect to the bluetooth control box from BetterLiving you
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This bluetooth 4.0 application helps you connect to the bluetooth control box from OKIN-REFINED, thi
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The Jerome's Clarity application allows you to operate your motion bed from your smartphone or t
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This remote app allows you to operate your bed from your phone when connected to bluetooth.the appal
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